Lune Valley Hash House Harriers

Wednesday 12th February 2025
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R*n 801 location

R*n 801 started from Village Hall, Barbon and the On Inn was Barbon Inn, Barbon.

Who ran 801? - data up to & including this r*n

Hash HandleHareHoundTotal
Fiddler on the Hoof - Hare14105119
Large Package - Hare97988
Bedside Manner17102119
Chapped Lips95867
Cotside Manner74047
Darling Buds01313
Glassy Lady32932
Hard Astern65965
Late Cummer95867
Off His Trolley36332368
Racey Miss33437
Ready About66167
Sir Tom Tom66339405
White Noise32299331

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Sunday 11th September 2022 at 11:00am

DaytimeR*n 801 »

Barbon - Barbon "Hill Climb"?

Well the general consensus being that our dear departed Queen would have been quite happy with her populace continuing to keep exercising, LVH3 convened at Barbon village hall car park in remarkably warm September sunshine, many of us with slightly tired legs from the previous day’s full moon r*n.

I made the unfortunate error of doing a few warm up exercises which immediately drew the attention of a GM desperate to offload the job of scribe. So here’s me…

The hounds launched into a long description of the route. LP warned the Rambos not to choose the first RW split if they weren’t feeling energetic. The description was - not too long, up first then down, then up, keep the wall on the left, at a gate take a right turn, keep the wall on the left, if the wall is on the left you’re right.😳. Reassuringly there were to be 2 beer stops !

Fairly straightforward to the first BS beside a very photogenic stretch of stream. Then onto the first Rambo split. Seems the pertinent word to distil from the long description was ‘up’. The pace of our intrepid Rambos somewhat faltered up the steep tussocks slopes. Kudos to CM who was persuaded to do the split- I told you we wouldn’t be fast!  That stalwart wall on the left kept us true to route and we eventually were able to enjoy a downhill route through the bracken to the second BS where luckily there were still peanut biscuits to be enjoyed by those Rambos who seem to have an addiction to them.( Or did we hide some from the first BS?! 🤪)

Thus fortified, we embarked on the final stage including several episodes of Grand Milling About due to the frugal use of flour. However, by that time we could see where our objective lay and thereby were able to pick a route between the small and infrequent dabs of flour. We did however manage to mislay Dormouse.

Safely home, the circle convened and waited for Dormouse’s reappearance. Down downs were awarded to Belle for inadvertent river bathing,TE for cruelty to brambles,OHT for watering the ferns, and Dormouse for being late both for the start and end of the r*n. Hares of course congratulated both for their efforts and for not contributing to the flour scarcity of the world. I forgot to dob in TE and GL for scrumping. ( windfalls only tbf)

Finally STT was presented with yet another sweatshirt to add to his collection. An epic 400 runs- awesome! 
All in all, a grand day out. Beautiful r*n in lovely September sunshine and glorious scenery. Well done FOTH and LP!

……and now for a lie down…..

Ready About

Write up by Ready About

12th September 2022 at 11:23am