Lune Valley Hash House Harriers

Wednesday 12th February 2025
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R*n 439 location

R*n 439 started from the On Inn - Ninebanks YHA, Hexham.

Who ran 439? - data up to & including this r*n

Hash HandleHareHoundTotal
Cyberseptic - Hare51199250
Full Member - Hare137083
Atomic Caton104050
Blade Runner055
Forever Blowing41233274
Hit and Run (Visitor)011
Meep Meep (Visitor)011
Off His Trolley17156173
Pocket Rocket011
Run Me Down033
Sir Tom Tom21117138
Toy Boy (Visitor)077
White Noise15140155

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On Inn - Ninebanks YHA, Hexham

Image of Ninebanks YHA, Hexham

This was our 2nd visit. We also visited on...


Friday 26th October 2012 at 8:00pm

Hash WeekendR*n 439 »

Ninebanks - Halloween Weekend

A mini adventure.

Rooms had been allocated, beds bagged, soup supped, cakes consumed and costumes that could be run in, donned. There were scary masks, worrisome fish nets, dubious doctors and wizard hats and even some half-a-job face painting.

Turning left out of the hostel the gaggle of torches silently wended their way along the lane - this was to be a silent hash, at the request of the hare for the sake of the neighbours.

By the junction we were met by Bubbles who had managed to avoid the run by driving through the snow via the on Inn for Sunday - at least that was his excuse! After a quick insult for Upperskirt and a cuddle for Forever he was off to eat his 'Ghoulash'.

Despite our torches and fluorescent waistcoats we were narrowly missed by a truck who couldn't decide which route to check out and then were given detailed instructions concerning a gate, a gully and a steep climb, so off we set looking for said gate, gully and steep climb.  At one point we could see the distinctly martian-like blue lights of the hostel shining on the opposite side of the valley and we were still heading away from them. Following a front running hare in his allegedly fetching tights, mini skirt and wobbly hat we scrambled up a muddy rocky slope only to discover that he too was off trail and leading us up the valley path. So we all turned round reversing our steps and so the last shall be first and the first shall be last.

A skilful manoeuvre round a wall to avoid the smelliest and shiggiest of bovine toilets turned us back in the direction of the hostel. A fast run back to home returned us to the beer, wine, new arrivals, roaring fire and musical chairs. Eerily the door opened and a masked man appeared claiming that he had been following us all evening. Toyboy finally revealed his own face, he is becoming better at tuning up late than the Addams and Speedbump and Dormouse combined. Strange that he had made his way back to the hostel quicker than we had with the hare for help or hindrance. (The hare then admitted that the fore mentioned gully, gate and steep climb would actually be found on a future run. Confused? - we will be!)

After more trading of insults the hashers eventually retired for the night, some requiring more beauty sleep than others.

On on to run 440.

Forever Blowing

Write up by Forever Blowing

13th November 2012 at 1:16am