Lune Valley Hash House Harriers

Friday 7th February 2025
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R*n 892 location

R*n 892 started from the On Inn - Ye Olde Fighting Cocks, Arnside.

Who ran 892? - data up to & including this r*n

Hash HandleHareHoundTotal
Bedtime Stories - Hare32326
Big Fish - Hare32326
Spare Bed - Hare32326
Spare Rib - Hare32326
Chocolate Doughnut055
Cookie Monster066
Double Entry066
First Class Stomp10112122
Large Package18158176
Off His Trolley42379421
Sir Tom Tom76397473
Virgin: Dierdre 854055
White Noise38346384

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On Inn - Ye Olde Fighting Cocks, Arnside

This was our 1st visit to this On Inn.


Sunday 26th January 2025 at 11:00am

DaytimeR*n 892 »

This was our last r*n


I arrived to find Bitter and Plucker scanning the estuary with binoculars. Were hashers lost before the r*n had even started?
I missed the Wimps/Rambos split through an arch on the Promenade, which looked private at first glance to me, and was called back by Baldbrick and his horn. It was soon apparent there were just three rambos; Roisin (apologies Roisin, I do not know your hash handle), Large Package and me. The rambos soon rejoined the main pack on the seashore.
Another split took the wimps inland, while the rambos continued round Arnside Point. There plenty of checks as we continued to Silverdale.
R*nning down from Middlebarrow Hill I was surprised to see Upperskirt doing the rambos trail backwards. I thought that was my speciality! She said she was walking backwards and forwards on the stretch of flour she was on, knowing that some hashers would turn up. Just as well they did!
The rambos r*n on past Arnside Tower. Large Package looked up from below the Tower to some cars parked in a layby beside a wood, and said that would be a good place for a beer stop. We followed flour past a patch that had been scrubbed out up the hill in front of us to reach a flour arrow pointing, for us, the wrong way. After much checking and backtracking to the scrubbed-out flour we eventually found an arrow to the beer stop. To just where Large Package had reckoned a beer stop could be many minutes beforehand. We were well into our biscuits and juice when Upperskirt turned up at the beer stop. It had started to rain, and Upperskirt accepted Bedtime Stories' offer of a lift to the On Inn with alacrity. The rambos opted to finish the trail on foot.
In the Ye Olde Fighting Cocks the waitress seemed very confused that 13 had turned up for lunch, not the expected 11. But she was not as confused as the hash, who seemed to think 14 wanted to eat. Big Fish saw football on the pub TV and wanted to come to pubs more often. He was showing his developing hash potential that frequent visits to pubs are needed!

Thanks to the Bed, Fish, Rib and Stories family for the good run. We just needed the sun to bring out the scenic nature of the territory they chose.


Write up by Dormouse

27th January 2025 at 4:25pm