Lune Valley Hash House Harriers

Wednesday 12th February 2025
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R*n 414 location

R*n 414 started from the On Inn - Royal Oak Hotel, Garstang.

Who ran 414? - data up to & including this r*n

Hash HandleHareHoundTotal
Bitter - Hare29136165
Twisted - Hare29146175
Dripper (Visitor)033
Feels on Wheels23116139
Fender Bender033
Miss Calculation022
Off His Trolley16147163
Shiggy Pop011

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Thursday 8th March 2012 at 7:00pm

Full MoonR*n 414 »


It was a slow start to run 414. People arrived in dribs and drabs and then there were visitors to introduce and welcome.

Bitter and Twisted gave us a brief description of the run, no fields to cross, great views and a token wimps rambo split. Twisted honoured us with her company which turned out for the best as the trail had been laid with just enough flour to dust a rolling pin. If it hadn't been for Twisted we would have been hopelessly lost.

The canal running through Garstang was the main feature of this run. We ran along it and crossed it so many times, I lost all sense of direction. Lurch seeemed to be on a run of his own as were Stinkerbell and Kelly our Canadian visitor.

In the circle at the end Jazz was christened Fender Bender in recognition of at least three attendances. At her christening she impressed us by doing the splits. Pity there was no hash flash.

Note to Bitter and Twisted and future hares, for supplies of flour contact RA, Sir Tom Tom. He is stockpiling for Lancashire.


Write up by Morticia

12th March 2012 at 9:31am